Sit back and Relax, London's In Good Hands

  • Over 20 Years Experience Dealing With Maytag Fridge Freezer Repairs
  • Fully Approved Maytag Fridge Service Engineers Dedicated in London.
  • We Are Available 24 Hours A Day - 7 Days A Week.
  • Fixed Price Labour Charges.
  • 98% of All Repairs -Done Within The Hour.
  • Huge Range of Original Maytag Fridge Freezer Spare Parts Carried.
  • Complimentary Fridge Available.
  • 12-24 Month Warranty On Parts Fitted.
  • No Call Charge For Any Return Visit.

Maytag Fridge Repairs London

Here at Apex refrigeration we pride ourselves in dealing with Maytag Fridge freezer repairs and service in London, We have an impeccable track record and in depth knowledge of Maytag Fridges and Maytag Fridge Freezers. We have over 20 years experience performing Maytag Fridge repairs in London and can confidently say that if we can't fix it, it almost certainly can't be fixed.

We understand how important the Fridge is in the modern home, more so with Maytag Fridge/Freezers in London. They contain all your daily food essentials, as well as your longer term frozen foodstuffs. Being without this essential part of your home is not only an inconvenience, but, if not fixed quickly and efficiently, can be an expensive affair as your food defrosts and spoils.

Because of this we ensure that we stock and carry Maytag parts in our London vans and that all our engineers are trained to the highest possible standard to ensure that your back up and running as quickly and painlessly as possible.

This means that 98% Maytag Fridge freezer repairs in London are fully fixed on our first visit, and of them the majority are done within the hour.

Where we can't fix your Maytag Fridge Freezer in London on our first visit, we will source the necessary parts as quickly as possible and that you will never be charged for a return visit

We have been working with Maytag dealers for over 25 years and as such have access to all the needed Maytag Fridge Freezer parts in London and as such will only ever supply and fit genuine Maytag Spares. With between 12-24 Months Warranty on parts fitted by us (excluding bulbs and furniture) you can rest assured that your Maytag Fridge Freezer in London is still in the prime condition it first arrived at your house in

It's also worth noting that we deal with all Maytag refrigeration issues, no matter how big or small, including all water and ice dispensing problems.

We accept all major credit/debit cards (including American Express) so, even if your Maytag fridge Freezer breaks down in London at even the most inopportune time, getting us in is as easy as possible.

Common Maytag Amercian Fridges and Maytag American Fridge/Freezers found in London

Maytag Fridge Repairs
Apex Refrigeration - Fridge
Apex Refrigeration - Fridge
Apex Refrigeration - Fridge
Apex Refrigeration - Fridge
Apex Refrigeration - Fridge